Monday 10 October 2011

Leeds Market Stall

I was wondering around Leeds city centre on Saturday and came across some stalls. I always look at craft stalls whenever I see them and I spotted a woman selling ceramics. I went over and started talking to her about what I am doing as a ceramic beginner and she gave me some pointers. Her name is Margaret Glackin and she advised about making the most of using the kiln and facilities in college as she found it very difficult to find kilns and studio space so after a long struggle she built her own. She went on a course to learn how to set up her own home studio and build a kiln. I told her about my first attempt at mug making and how one of the mugs looks more like a beer mug than a tea mug! I am trying to make them more delicate. She actually informed me that she gets many requests for ceramic beer mugs so I should carry on! It was really helpful chatting to her and hearing about how she set up her own handmade ceramic business. A lot of hard work but some beautiful results and really good to see how these handmade crafts are retailed and where people might buy them from, there is a big market.

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